

2019/1/3 16:37:11


The Integral HT82C50A is a high-performance, CHMOS version of the industry standard HT82C50A general purpose programmable I/O device which is designed for use with all Intel and most other microprocessors. It provides 24 I/O pins which may be individually programmed in 2 groups of 12 and used in 3 major modes of operation.

In MODE 0, each group of 12 I/O pins may be programmed in sets of 4 and 8 to be inputs or outputs. In MODE 1, each group may be programmed to have 8 lines of input or output. 3 of the remaining 4 pins are used for handshaking and interrupt control signals. MODE 2 is a strobed bi- directional bus configuration.


  • Compatible with all Intel and Most Other Microprocessors

  • High Speed, «Zero Wait State» Operation with 8MHz 8086/88 and 80186/188

  • 24 Programmable I/O Pins

  • Low Power CHMOS

  • Completely TTL Compatible

  • Control Word Read-Back Capability

  • Direct Bit Set/Reset Capability

  • 2.5mA DC Drive Capability on all I/O Port Outputs

  • Available in 40-Pin DIP

  • Available in EXPRESS